Our doctors

MUDr. Daniel Mládek, PhD., MPH

2002 - present PhD studies at Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, field of study: surgery
1998 - Atestation of first degree in surgery
1995 - Graduation from Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia, Medical Faculty

Work experience:
2005 - present Senior consultant and head of the Plastic Surgery Department in the Teaching Hospital Nitra, Slovakia.
2003 - Deputy senior consultant at the Plastic Surgery Department in the Teaching Hospital in Nitra, Slovakia
2002 - Six-month residential stay in the Clinic of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery at St.Anna, Brno, Czech Republic
1999 - Department of Plastic Surgery, Teaching Hospital in Nitra, the position of intern
1995 to 1998 - Surgical Clinic, Teaching Hospital Nitra, Slovakia

Membership in specialist societies:
Slovak Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
Slovak Society of Surgery of the Hand EPRAS, ISPRAS

Specialist scholarships and study stays:

  • 2006 - Clinic of Plastic Surgery, University of Genova, Italy
  • 2006 - Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Hopital Saint-Roch in Nice, France
  • 2004 - Clinic of Plastic Surgery AKH Vienna, Austria
  • 2004 - Clinic of Surgery of the Hand KH, Marienstift Braunschweig, Germany
  • 2004 - Private Clinic of Aesthetic Surgery Braunschweig, Germany
  • 2002 - Private Clinic of Plastic Surgery Esthé, Prague
  • 2002 - Clinic of Plastic Surgery Motol, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 1995 - Surgical Clinic at the University Hospital Eppendorf Hamburg, Germany
  • 1993 - Surgery Department Kirchdorf, Austria

Participation in international congresses:
ESPRAS Rome 2001, Congress of Plastic Surgery in Budapest 2004, VI Symposium of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Breast and Face, Budapest 2004, Becker´s Workshop of the Reconstruction of the Breast, Vienna 2004, ESPRAS Vienna 2005, Course of Rhinoplasty and Hair Transplantation, Nice 2006, ISAPS / International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery / Congress in Rio de Janeiro 2006

APTOS, Botox, injectable implantates

Where can you find us?

Krčméryho 2B,
Nitra 94901, Slovak Republic

Mobil: +421 948 772 202
E-mail: avelane@avelane.com


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